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Waiver Of Liability

Waiver Of Liability

Castle Boo Waiver of Liability - You must agree to before entering. WARNING: DO NOT ENTER IF YOU SUFFER FROM SEIZURES, HEART CONDITIONS, ASHTMA, OR ANY PHYSICAL MENTAL, RESPIRATORY, AND/OR MEDICAL CONDITION. ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY By signing below, I acknowledge that I and/or my spouse have full authority to sign this Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability on behalf of myself or as parent or legal guardian of the minor children accompanying me. I further acknowledge that we are voluntarily participating in an activity that has known and unanticipated inherent risks, dangers, and hazards. I acknowledge that Castle Boo uses fog and strobe lights, things jump out at you, you navigate dark spaces, people fall down, your friends may run over you. I acknowledge that we came to experience terrifying and treacherous scenes. By entering/attending Castle Boo, I voluntarily accept and assume all such risks, dangers and hazards, and agree to release and hold harmless Castle Boo, Scared Inc., it's property owners, and its officers, employees, volunteers, and agents from any and all responsibility and/or liability for injury, harm, damage, death, cost or expense arising directly or indirectly from attending Castle Boo, including but not limited to, any and all claims which allege negligent acts and/or omissions while in our about Castle Boo.